The Howk's Prairie Rotarian 1/28/2002 Well, Hawk's Prairie Rotarians, you've got one heck'u'va' club goin' here! LAST WEEK'S MEETING: President Joseph called the meeting to order with a resounding ring of "The Bell", and we had the Pledge of Allegiance, and a super rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, but not before we were treated to a wonderful lunch from City Picnics of Mannicotti(sp?) and Salad along with their signature brownies and cookies for dessert! Wow! (a big thank you to Bill Peabody for setting that up!) then President Joseph made a big deal out of me bringing my Guitar and helping put together the music, and they presented me with a beautiful vest(ala' John Grantham of Budd Bay Embroidery) which designates me as the Choir Leader, I was almost choked to tears! Then we introduced our visiting Rotarians(I have to say that the Lacey Club always has a few members at our lunch, maybe a few of us ought to go visit them sometime!) Then the Hawk's Prairie Rotary Choir sang our Ken Balsley penned welcome song, and the meeting was underway! Jan Wallace introduced Jason Vatne(West Coast Bank) who proceded to tell us that he was born in Olympia and raised near Rochester, and went to work in the banking business right out of high school. Jason is married and has 2 children loves to go trout fishing. He has worked at West Coast Bank for 6 years, and opens new accounts, takes care of some business and home equity loans, and is looking forward to working in Rotary! Way to go Jason, we're proud to have you as a Hawk's Prairie Rotarian! Then Shane Lewis(that was Shane wasn't it? ) Maybe it was Shawn, our club's director of explained to us that we didn't have to be a Paul Harris Fellow to attend the Paul Harris Fellow dinner on March 14TH . then Sandi Helton introduced Rex Comstock of the Lacey Club who talked to us about the Lacey Rotary's involvement with the Youth Exchange program, and that he was looking for housing for a young man from Thailand for April May and June. Then Robin who is in charge of the local Rotary Club's involvement in The Habitat For Humanity, said that we all need to show up at the work site Saturday Feb. 2ND from 9am til 2pm(or anytime in-between) to help out, and that this was Hawk's Prairie Rotary's day to work! I'll see you there! What a day! I got a great vest, and then to top it all off, I won the pot of $28.50! Julie Wells, has donated a bunch of art that she used to represent at different galleries here in the Northwest, and Hawk's Prairie Rotarians have a chance to win it in the weekly drawing! Next Week's Meeting You don't want to miss next weeks meeting! Rafael Colon(Voices Int'l) has donated a pair of Mariners tickets to be given away in our weekly drawing. He tells me that they are in the Terrace Club, and some great seats for a great game! Plus Jan Wallace(Providence Home Services) tells me that Carol Edwards of Merrill Lynch will be giving our Getting to Know You talk for our next meeting! Fun, Great Food, Great People, and a Great time! I'll look for you there! Noon, at King Oscar's Motel at exit 111 in Hawk's Prairie! Til Next Time Greg Stevens