Has it been that long?
Hawk's Prairie Rotary History
Hawk's Prairie Rotarian
Last week's meeting&&&
President Joseph Beaulieu rang the bell, well after many Hawk's Prairie Rotarians and guests had been enjoying a superb meal of Meatloaf and mashed potatoes from City Picnics. Mike Andritch (IBM) led us in the flag salute followed by Rafael Colon (Voices internationale) with a positive moment called "In the Garden." We all sang You're a Grand Old Flag in a key that took advantage of everyone's bass prowesses. Frawn Flett (Morningside Industries) introduced our guests from the Lacey, South Puget Sound, West Olympia, and Seattle area Rotary's. As we sang a beautiful rendition of the Hawks Prairie Rotary Song, I became incensed when Ken Balsley (PDG) got up and said that we were doing pretty well on it, except for the chorus.Go figure! Sandi Helton (Tanglewilde Properties) presented our "Getting to Know You" segment. Sandi told us about how she was raised around the Hawks Prairie Area beginning July of 1947, went to Lacey Grade School, and graduated from North Thurston High School. Sandi had an aerial photograph of what Hawk's Prairie looked like back then, (that was before I-5). Needless to say , it has changed a lot! She has 3 kids, and 5 grand kids, and runs a family enterprise, along with her husband. It was originally started by her father and is called Tanglewilde Properties. They have 3 classic cars and love the 50's and 60's music and participating in car shows. Sandi is happy that she has a chance to give back to the community that she loves so much, as Community Service Director for the Hawk's Prairie Rotary Club! Paul Harris Medallion Dinner: Don't forget to mark your calendars for Thursday March 14TH at 5:30 pm at the West Coast Hotel, for a great meal, great speakers and recognition of the Paul Harris Fellows, Sustaining members and benefactors. Shawn Lewis (North Thurston Public Schools) was excited to announce that we only needed 2 more members to sign up and we would have 50 percent of our club as Sustaining members! Several hands shot up and we passed that mark safely. Remember, all you have to put up is $50.00 and the club will match you with $50.00 to get you started on your way to becoming a Paul Harris Fellow, as a Sustaining Member, it's important to get it done today! Again, You can sign up for the dinner at the next club meeting, it's $30.00 per person. Shawn will accept cash, checks, and Charge Cards. This meeting will also constitute our club meeting for the week plus an additional make up for attendance. Perfect Attendance: President Joseph read a report from Secretary Jim Rydland (North Thurston Public Schools) that shows that we have 30 out of 36 members with perfect attendance since August 28th 2001! Way to go Hawk's Prairie Rotary! Program: Joe Chiappino (PDG 5160) introduced Sandra Miller from Intercontinental Investments Inc., the parent company of The Ramada Inn Governor House Hotel, located on Captial Way in downtown Olympia, where Sandra serves as General Manager. Sandra introduced a program that is sponsored by the Olympia Thurston County Chamber called "Exploring Business" , which she has been associated with for 10 years. This program takes high school kids, and basically puts them in business for 3 days. This allows them an opportunity to find out what being in business for yourself is all about. This program is run in cooperation with all the School Districts in Thurston County. A very interesting presentation, and something that the Hawk's Prairie Rotary Club should support, either financially or with time. We then had our Special Moments, where Joseph fed the pig, (getting excited about the upcoming grandbaby) and many other Rotarians got up and fed the pig as well.
Other Business: Announced for membership by your Board of Directors is the manager of King Oscar Hotel, Tom Lalley with a classification of Hotel Management. His sponsor is Greg Stevens (MIXX 96.1 FM). Any comments about his membership should be presented in writing to the Board within 7 days. By Law change: The Board of Directors are recommending we change our by-laws to add the Director of Membership Services position. We will vote on this change at the March 8th meeting.
There being no other business, President Joseph rang the bell and sent us all away!
Next week's meeting: Hold on to your hats! Because scheduled to tell us about himself is none other than IBM's Mike Andritch! It will be a good one! That's Friday at noon at King Oscar's Motel, at exit 111 in Hawk's Prairie!
By the way: If anyone has articles that they would like to submit for our monthly newsletters, just email them to me(gregs@mixx96.com) or give me the information at one of our meetings. Thanx!
Til Next time
Greg Stevens